GK Questions for class 6– आज केे इस पोस्ट में हम आपलोगो के लिए GK Questions लेकर आए हैं। जो की Class 6 के लिए हैं। तो आपलोग इस प्रश्न को को जरुर पढें। क्योकी 6 वीं कक्षा सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्न: यह माध्यमिक शिक्षा शिक्षा का पहला वर्ष है। इस चरण में विषय बढ़ रहे हैं। छात्रों को इस कक्षा के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करनी है। छात्र न केवल पाठ्यक्रम तैयार करते हैं बल्कि उन्हें देश और दुनिया का भी ज्ञान है। यहां सामान्य ज्ञान का एक सेट 6 वीं कक्षा के लिए नीचे दिया गया है।जो की बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हैं।
GK Questions for class 6
Question: Who is the “Father of Computer”?
Answer: Charles Babbage.
Question: What is full form of RAM in IT?
Answer: Random Access Memory.
Question: Who is the fastest man in the world?
Answer: Ussain Boult.
Question: Which city is also called as Pink City in India?
Answer: Jaipur.
Question: Name the company that makes processors for computers?
Answer: Intel Corporation.
Question: Who is Saheed Baghat Singh?
Answer: A Freedom Fighter.
Question: When we can cross the road?
A) Red Signal B) Yellow Signal C) Green Signal D) Black Signal
Answer: C) Green Signal.
Question: Name the Highest mountain in Asia.
Answer: Mount Everest.
Question: Who discovered radio?
Answer: Guglielmo Marconi.
Question: Who Discovered Mobile?
Answer: Martin Cooper.
Question: Which of the following fruits has no seed?
A) Watermelon B) Guava C) Orange D) Banana
Answer: D) Banana.
Question: 65×65= …..?
Answer: 4225.
Question: Name the game which is played by the bat, wicket and pitch?
Answer: Cricket.
Class 6th GK Questions
Quetsion: Chandigarh is famous for………?
A) Rivers B) Mountains C) Rose Garden D) All of the above.
Answer: C) Rose Garden.
Questions: What is the full form of WWW?
Answer: World Wide Web.
6th Class General Knowledge Questions
Question: What is full form of WiFi?
Answer: Wireless Fidelity.
Question: Who is the king of Patliputra?
Answer: Samraat Ashok.
Question: Who is the richest person in India?
Answer: Mukesh Ambani (Chairman of Reliance Group).
Question: Which country has the largest postal system in the world?
Answer: India.
Question: Who is the composer of the national anthem of Bangladesh
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
Question: Who is the first and only Muslim lady ever to rule the throne of Delhi ?
Answer: Razia Sultana
Question: “Sare jahan se acha” who compose this song?
Answer: Muhammad Iqbal
Question: Which is the oldest news agency in the worlds?
Answer: AFP (Agence France Presse)
Question: Where largest museum is is located at India?
Answer: Chennai
Question: What was the ancient name of Patna?
Answer: Patliputra
Question: In which country was the invention of paper?
Answer: China
Question: Who is known as Punjab Kesari?
Answer: Lala Lajpat Rai
Question: What was the original name of Swami Dayanand Saraswati?
Answer: Moolshankar
Question: Where was the ‘Azad Hind Fauj’ established?
Answer: Singapore
Question: Bangladesh was formed in 1971, separated from what country?
Answer: Pakistan
Question: Who are known as ‘Shaheed-e-Azam’?
Answer: Bhagat Singh
Question: Who used to think Gandhiji as your political guru?
Answer: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Question: What is the minimum age prescribed to become the President of India?
Answer: 35 Year
Question: Who has unified Germany?
Answer: Bismarck
Question: Who is considered the father of Sitar and Tabla?
Answer: Amir Khusro
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तो दोस्तो यह रही हमारी GK Questions for class 6 की पूरी जानकारी हिन्दी में मुझे आशा होगी की आपको यह जानकारी बहुत ही अच्छी लगी होगी अगर आपको इसी से सम्बन्धित और भी कुछ जानकारी या अन्य कोई भी जानकारी चाहिए तो नीचे दिेए गए Comment Box के माध्यम से सूचना दे सकते हैं।
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