Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive Sentence(English Grammar)

Hello Students, आज कि इस post के माध्यम से हम आपको Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive Sentence के बारे में जानकारी देंगे कि Interrogative sentence को Assertive sentence में  तथा Assertive sentence को Interrogative sentence कैसे Change किया जाता है। नीचे कुछ Important Rules लिखे गयें उन्हे आप ध्यान से पढे़ं।

Assertive to interrogative sentence

Interchange of Sentence

📗Interrogative sentences में question, inquiry, interrogation आदि से सम्बन्धित sentences आतें है, जबकि Assertive sentences statements को बतातें है। ये statements positive तथा negative दोनों हो सकते हैं

Interrogative से Assertive या Assertive से Interrogative में sentence negative होगा:

यदि Interrogative sentence positive है तो Assertive sentence negative होगा।

👉Can the blind see?  (Interrogative)

👉The blind can not see. (Affirmative)

📗Interrogative sentence के negative होने पर Assertive sentence positive होगा।

👉Does not a mother love her children? (Interrogative)

👉A mother loves her children. (Affirmative)

📗Interrogative sentence में who का use होने पर Assertive sentence में No one/Nobody का use होगा।

👉Who has heard of Gandhiji? (Interrogative)

👉Nobody gas heard of Gandhiji. (Affirmative)

📗Who से शुरू होने वाला Interrogative sentence यदि negative है तो Assertive sentence Everyone/Every body से Start होगा।

👉Who was not playing the match? (Interrogative)

👉Every body was playing the match. (Assertive)

📗Assertive sentence से Interrogative sentence बनाने के लिए यदि statement  positive है तो Interrogative sentence Negative होगा।

👉A man can change his attitude. (Assertive)

👉Cannot a man change his attitude? (Interrogative)

📗Assertive sentence यदि negative होतो Interrogative sentence positive होगा।

👉He does not read a book. (Assertive)

👉Does he read a book? ( Interrogative)


Change the following Assertive sentence in to interrogative sentence.

  1. There is nothing particularly impressive about the city.
  2. Jammu & Kashmir is known for its scenic beauty.
  3. The beauty of nature is beyond description.
  4. Everybody has heard of APJ. Abdul Kalam.
  5. No one worships the setting sun.
  6. It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
  7.  He has his breakfast at eight every morning
  8. The coach told him to practice regularly.
  9. Virtue is its own reward.
  10. A leopard cannot change its spots.

Students, हमारी यह Post “Interchange of Interrogative and Assertive (English Grammar)आपको कैसी लगी लगी आप हमें Comment के माध्यम  से आप बता सकते है। और जो कुछ भी आप को और जरूरत हो इसके लिए भी आप हमें Comments कर सकते है।

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